Category: Italia

Sharing our 90 years with Standart

La Marzocco is very excited to be part of another beautiful and relevant edition of STANDART (issue 7), in which the company, through the words expressed by Managing… Read More

La Marzocco @ Firenze Rocks!

La Marzocco, a Florentine company founded in 1927 by Giuseppe Bambi and leader in handmade professional espresso machines known over the world, will take part… Read More

Italian AeroPress Championship 2017 Recap

La Marzocco played host to the 2017 Italian AeroPress Championship and announces the winner: Rossella Musarra: La Marzocco, the leader in design and espresso machine innovation, hosted… Read More

Itinerario Caffè del Fuorisalone

Al Fuorisalone tre incontri con La Marzocco tra caffè, design e bici … La Marzocco, icona di stile e di artigianlità italiana nel mondo, con i suoi… Read More

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