The Exploring Barista

Juli 17, 2017 in International, Spain

Mariëlla – a barista and trainer based in Barcelona – states in The Exploring Barista blog that the coffee culture in the Catalonian capital is growing and that people can’t get enough of specialty – and we could not but agree with her!

“That the coffee culture is growing in Barcelona is a fact. I think by now you already know that, because I keep saying it all the time. Coffee places are popping up, cuppings, championships and Latte Art Throwdowns are being organised, the second edition of the Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival is done and now there was the first La Marzocco event; Out of the Box took place on the 10th of June and it was a great success.

So many events in a row. The AeroPress Championship, IBCF and than Out of the Box. Some people say they think it’s too much. I think you can never have too many events about specialty coffee. Trying new coffees, meeting new passionated people and get more knowledge and experience. I say bring it on…” Read the full article HERE.

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